McCrae’s Battalion News and Events

Current News

On these pages you’ll find updates on the most recent McCrae’s Battalion Trust news and events.

From the installation of the ‘Fifth Plaque’ to the latest information on our annual pilgrimage, this is where we’ll post it.

If you have any stories that you think we should feature here, please don’t hesitate to make contact.

Contalmaison 2018

Contalmaison 2018 Next year will be the last opportunity to commemorate a 100 anniversary of WW1, in fact the end of the war. We are still working on the fine details of the trip which will be published shortly but meanwhile we would like to remind anyone

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Centenary Pilgrimage 2016 – Update

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Our 2016 Centenary Pilgrimage to Contalmaison lasts from 29 June to 4 July. Successful applicants have now been informed by email and/or letter. Thank you to everyone who applied and commiserations to those who were unlucky. We hope you’ll be able to join us in

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McCrae’s Battalion Centenaries

EMBARKATION FOR FRANCE – A NEW MEMORIAL AND AN OLD WRONG RIGHTED PIERSHILL CEMETERY, EDINBURGH – THURSDAY 7 JANUARY 2016 – 12.30 FOR 13.00 Towards the end of 2014 McCrae’s Battalion Trust started raising funds to right an old wrong. Thanks to the kindness of local businessmen

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Centenary Pilgrimage 2016

Centenary Pilgrimage 2016 to Contalmaison. In 2004 we completed the last of the official Great War Memorials, when we unveiled the McCrae’s Battalion memorial cairn in the Somme village of Contalmaison. The cairn was originally proposed by veterans of the battalion in 1919 but for a variety

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McCraes Battalion Remembrance Day

Three local companies are spearheading the sponsorship of Saturday’s “McCraes Battalion Remembrance Day” at the Falkirk Stadium ahead of the exciting Falkirk v Hearts Championship match. John Mitchell Haulage & Warehousing is the Match Sponsor and Managing Director Iain Mitchell said, “The sentiment of the day mirrors

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